I am looking forward to preaching on Sunday. Though my voice isn’t back to 100%, I am counting on that in my weakness, He will be strong.
God speaks in lots of ways. He speaks through creation. He speaks through His Word. He speaks through His Spirit. He speaks through circumstances. Yesterday He spoke very unexpectedly through a dear lady. We have a customer who owns a small store about eight miles out of Frankfort. It isn’t cost effective for us to send a driver out and back because of how little they usually purchase. As our driver usually does, I met the owner in Frankfort. I hadn’t seen Katie since covid. She is a dear soul who has been around the block more than I have. Our driver hadn’t shared with Katie anything about my health issues this year. She was stunned to learn that I have been dealing with three unrelated cancers. It was then that God spoke through her. When I shared that I had three unrelated cancers, Katie says, “That is good news.” That is all she said. Simply, “That is good news.” That was all she needed to say. God brought the truth home that Katie had perceived. Three unrelated cancers is good news because they are unrelated. Cancer had not metastasized from one place in my body to another. That is the danger of cancer and the nature of cancer. When it spreads it is often deadly. Paul writes that we are to be thankful in all circumstances. Is that possible for a person who has been diagnosed with three cancers in one year? Of course, it is, especially when they are unrelated. That is good news for which I am thankful. Thanks, Katie, for speaking for God when you had no clue that God was using you. Maybe God can do the same for someone with whom I encounter today. I may have no clue. But God will and hopefully they will, too.
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Chuck Cooper
Pastor at Daybreak Community Church Archives
February 2025
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