What Do We Believe?
1) Jesus Christ is the Son of God. His death on the cross provides the only way for our sins to be forgiven.
2) The Bible is the inerrant Word of God. The Bible is our standard for all matters of faith and practice.
3) In the Sanctity of Life. God is the giver of life and only He has the right to be God.
4) All persons are of value to God. God loves the world and God loves you. We love you, too, here at Daybreak.
5) God calls us to reach out to others. Daybreak now gives 30% of all non-designated offerings to help the physical and spiritual needs of others in Lexington and around the globe.
6) Love ought to be the mark of Christian discipleship. "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 3:8)
Daybreak Staff
Chuck Cooper, Pastor
Chuck has been the pastor of Daybreak since it's beginning. He felt the calling of God on his heart in 1996 and began Daybreak. Chuck has a heart for people and a passion for missions. He serves in local mission organizations around Kentucky as well as in world missions by traveling often to Costa Rica and Haiti. His wife, Teresa, is a retired first-grade teacher here in Lexington. Chuck also has two daughters, Caryn (Ray) and Megan (Thacker) and five grandchildren named Cooper, Caroline, Kaylee, Becca, and Emma.
Email Pastor Cooper